Virtual Tech Assistance at its Finest

Early mornings to late nights…the responsibilities never end! Blog posts, email marketing campaigns, website updates, funnels, podcasts, launches – so much to do and you are only one person! With Kopf Consulting, we take these responsibilities off your plate so you can focus on what you love to do most! Let us work IN your business so you can work ON it! Not sure what that means? Let us explain…

While we specialize in CRMs (Infusionsoft by Keap, ActiveCampaign, Ontraport, etc) and EMS (ConvertKit, GetResponse, MailChimp, etc), we do offer an assortment of technical, social media, and podcast support services.


LaKenya is top notch!

Cynthia S.

LaKenya, Thank you. You’re amazing. The test were successfully beyond expectation.  The problem is solved on all platforms and the redirect is fast as lightning! Instantaneous on the second.  Outstanding!  Thank you!

Jonathan F.

LaKenya has been a life-saver! My VA at the time completely disappeared and I was in the middle of a launch! She took over and we didn’t skip a beat. Thank you!!

Jennie C.

LaKenya has truly been a blessing. I haven’t sent her anything she couldn’t do or couldn’t find someone to do (resourceful little thing!) She gets excited about my business which shows she truly cares.

Deidra L.

Thanks Kopf Consulting! As a brand new business, you have taught us so much about how to reach our audience, build our funnels, and maximize our programs!

Kelly F.

    We are your #1 fan! For that reason, we always want what is best for you and your business. We keep this in mind when we are writing our blog posts or updating our Resource Page. Check out our latest blogs below or subscribe to us to get tips, tools, and strategies for managing and growing your business.
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