Businesses grow and with growth new technology needs arise

We are the technology partners you are looking for to extend your tech team.

Trusted by awesome companies

Stand out in your industry

with cutting-edge digital products that have a lasting impact.

CI/CD Pipeline Design

1. DevOps Outsourcing Services

Super pumped about those new features and technologies but only one person can deploy them and then that means losing time and money? It sounds like you could use a cool extended DevOps team in your life.

React Native UI/UX Design

2. Full Stack Development

In our industry, a good full-stack engineer is called a unicorn. So basically, we are a unicorn farm. Tell us what you want and we will tell you what you need.

Cloud Icon

3. Cloud App Development Services

Modern-day apps shouldn't live in that on-premise server that is under the desk in IT. We can help you transition to the cloud.

Magic Wand Icon

4. UI/UX Outsourcing

Does your front end look like a website from the 90s? A facelift from our UI/UX team can help you get back in the game, and stay relevant.

Check List Icon

5. Software Project Outsourcing

Keeping a software development project on track requires focus, leadership, and honesty. Our PMs can wrangle everything to keep you on track and budget.

Brain Circuit Icon

6. AI / ML Development

We aren't talking Ex Machina here, but the fact of the matter is that machine learning is continuing to expand and help companies be more efficient. Let us show you how AI can help you drive your business forward.


Nearshore Tech Consultancy

We are the Nearshore Tech Consultancy that partners with you to deliver outcomes.

Meet our Leadership team.

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