


A creative mobile app development and design agency that connects technology with emotions to solve complex enterprise challenges.


Contact Name: Robert Kwiatkowski

Phone Number: +48-58-712-81-50

Primary Address

Al. Zwyci?stwa 96/98 , Gdynia, Gdynia, Poland 81-451

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: SEO, Digital Marketing
Founded: 2015
Revenue: $10000-$20000
Firm Size: 49
No of Clients:38
Client Name: Oil Company, Virtual Recruiter - Recruiting app. Client. Employer can see their candidates put their skills into action and have a chance to review them before moving them forward in the process. Getting to know a candidates can often assist in identifying whether or not a candidate is a great fit for company’s culture. Employers who use Virtual Recruiter mobile app are able to find candidates with a solid background in the role they’re hiring for who understand the industry. Solution. Matsuu delivered beautifully designed, natively developed mobile application for Android platform. We’ve crafted Virtual Recruiter video/phone interviewing technology and AI-powered voice simulations which can let companies hire faster and easier. What is more, VR application allow companies to ask candidates questions that they’d ask in traditional interview settings. Interview sets are dynamic and easy change to fit the individual needs of every employer. The architecture of job...
Key People: Mariusz Turula, COO
Carsten Demuth, Founder
Piotr Chojnowski, Software Architect
Matsuu - Listing in June 2024



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