NYC Teachers Who Tutor


NYC Teachers Who Tutor


Teachers Who Tutor tutors work with the very best of New York City’s independent, public and charter school teachers with master’s degrees. Other tutoring companies engage a range of professionals. We are experienced teachers from Brooklyn, Manhattan, The Bronx, Long Island and Queens who understand the demands of a rigorous curriculum and the value of collaboration with both classroom educators and parents. We offer a customized plan of learning objectives that will promote the success of each student. We consult with parents to identify both challenging areas and personal strengths before matching students with a tutor. Our tutors tailor lessons according to individual learning styles, providing students with the tools they need to thrive. We also provide weekly feedback on every child’s progress and encourage collaboration between our tutors, parents, and classroom teachers. As educators and tutors ourselves, we understand that students are most successful when the tutors, classroom teachers, and parents work together.


Contact Name: NYC Teachers Who Tutor

Phone Number: (347) 964-4847

Primary Address

710 Broadway, Suite #3, New York, NY 10003, New York, New York, United States 10003

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: Academic
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