How to Convince Your Boss Your Company Needs a New Website

How to Convince Your Boss Your Company Needs a New Website

Posted on: September 13, 2023 | Written by: ForeFront Web, LLC

You need to sell your boss on a new website, and trust me, that old relic isn’t cutting it. Think mobile responsiveness, sleek design and big-time ROI. Throw data like confetti: bounce rates, conversions, mobile traffic – everything you can find. Embrace the power of modern UX and the magic of a yassified website. Answer their questions like a pro – costs, value, success tracking – and drop some killer case studies. This isn’t just a pitch; it’s a digital glow up proposal. Now, go dazzle your boss and make that new website dream a reality! Maybe you’re the new marketing manager on the block and instantly noticed your company’s site isn’t mobile responsive. Or maybe you’ve been there for a while and have been tossing around ideas to improve lead generation and revenue. Either way, pitching a new website to your boss can cause more anxiety than an out-of-the-blue message asking if you can “hop on a quick call” (my fellow Millennials and Gen Z besties will understand). Yes, I know, in-person conversations can be unappealing. But there’s nothing worse than not trusting your gut. And if you’re reading this blog on how to convince your boss that your company needs a new website, well, you’re in the right place. The digital landscape is constantly changing. As marketers, it’s our job to be attuned to what the people want: fast, easy, online experiences that solve their problems. Most of the time, they don’t want to talk to anyone, either. If your website doesn’t offer this type of experience, you might as well not have a website at all – because people won’t visit it. And if they do, they won’t stay long. Trust me. Now is the time to join forces. Together, we’ll create a website redesign pitch so undeniable your boss will only have one thing to say: APPROVED.

Website Redesign: Does Your Site Really Need One?

Imagine a website aging in dog years. Even if your company’s site only launched a few years ago, a lot has happened since then, resulting in an immense user behavior shift. Our approaches to everything, from online shopping to cybersecurity, look nothing like they once did. Should your website fail to nurture these sought-after experiences, you risk not only an increasing bounce rate (which measures the number of people who leave your site immediately after landing on it), but having your brand’s image and credibility called into question. An archaic site sends the message that your company is not with the times and, ultimately, ill-suited to help those seeking the products or services you actually specialize in. See the problem here? OK, by now, you get the point. Your boss, though, is going to need more convincing. Before scheduling the meeting to pitch a website redesign, consider common concerns your superiors will have about investing in a redesign. I can almost guarantee their biggest concern can be summarized with three letters: ROI.

ROI and the Power of a Redesign

Your marketing strategy, like an ecosystem, relies on interconnected elements. Picture your website as the sun, energizing this ecosystem. With optimized content, you can leverage organic search, paid ads, social media and email marketing. Engaging content brings users back to a UX-optimized site, fostering positive impressions that convert leads into sales. Your website is the foundation of effective digital marketing. Other concerns our clients have communicated with us in the past are often boiled down to a few questions you should be asking your web design company anyway:


Time is money. A tailored approach is vital to capture your brand essence. Factors such as content approval, design, images and communication influence the timeline. Templates won’t suffice for a site that truly reflects your brand.


Align your website overhaul with your company’s long-term goals. Breathing new life into your site rejuvenates online presence, especially if traditional strategies are diminishing in effectiveness.


A comprehensive redesign involves more than DIY platforms. Custom development empowers user experiences, but costs can vary. Transparently, UX-focused sites can range from $20,000 onward (for an in-depth look at this subject, check out our post, “How Much Does a Website Cost?”). The final cost depends on your unique requirements and aspirations.Getting ahead is about preparation. Gather project quotes in advance, so that, when you pitch your boss, you’re armed with facts and a solid plan. GET A CUSTOM WEBSITE REDESIGN QUOTE TODAY

Crafting Your Convincing Pitch

Proposing a website makeover to your boss requires having your shit together. They’re busy (probably), and it’s up to you to make this worth their while. As you tailor the perfect pitch, here are a few pointers to make sure you get your point across in a way your boss will understand.


Our conversion team swears by data. In fact, it guides every decision we make. Gather your own site data to help illustrate the need for a website redesign:
  • User Analytics: Use tools such as Google Analytics to identify user behavior patterns, such as high bounce rates, low time spent on site and low conversion rates.
  • Mobile Traffic: Showcase the percentage of mobile users and highlight any issues they might be facing due to the current website’s lack of responsiveness.
  • Traffic Sources: Analyze the sources of your website traffic and compare performance from different channels. Are there any areas for improvement?
  • Conversion Rates: If applicable, demonstrate how the current website’s design and functionality might be hindering conversion rates.


Another critical element to the perfect website redesign pitch is presenting a clear picture of the pain points and limitations of the current website. I’m talking about areas that impact user experience, branding/messaging and functionality of the site as a whole. If you’re not sure where to start, try these:
  • Usability: Are users finding it difficult to navigate, leading to frustration?
  • Outdated Design: How does the current design reflect the company’s brand and modernity?
  • Load Times: Do slow load times prompt users to leave the site prematurely?
  • Functionality: Are there features or tools that are missing or not working optimally?


Are competitors eating your lunch? While you may not have direct access to their analytics, you can easily compare your site side-by-side with theirs. Pay attention to the aspects that a web redesign could enhance
  • Design Trends: How does your website’s design compare to modern design trends in your industry?
  • Functionality: Are competitors offering features or tools that your website lacks?
  • User Experience: How intuitive and user-friendly are competitors’ websites compared to yours?
  • Visual Appeal: Does your website’s appearance match or surpass that of your competitors?


Does the idea of talking to your boss about something as big as a website redesign make your stomach turn? Fake it till you make it. Present your case with confidence and persuasion; after all, you’re a marketer. This is what you do, baby! As with any successful messaging, my best advice is to tell a story. Craft a story around your pitch. Explain how your current site is limiting revenue opportunities and show how redesigning it could lead to an uptick in leads. Use this opportunity to address the potential ROI. A better website means increased traffic, engagement and, above all, revenue!

Key Benefits of a New Website

Communicating to your boss that a fresh site could open the floodgates for sales is a must. There are still plenty of other benefits that come with the territory, though. It’s more than an aesthetic upgrade. The lasting impact strengthens your company’s online presence and success. Use these points to shape up your pitch:


Today’s consumers don’t expect a ton when it comes to navigating websites. We just want an intuitive navigation, user-friendly interface and clear call-to-action (CTA). It’s your job, as the business, to make things make sense on your website. Easy-to-use websites result in longer site visit durations, lower bounce rates and increased conversion rates. Need I say more? Psst… Do you need quick CTA examples? We’ve got 40+.


Imagine your website as a reflection of your brand’s personality. Just as a picture can say so much without words, think about the captivating story your website’s design can share with your audience. You’re conveying your company’s professionalism and identity through your website. This is where first impressions are key. Modern design captures visitors’ attention and can make or break their decision to do business with you. What message is your website sending?


What’s worse than an unresponsive website? Nothing. Look, I don’t make the rules. I’m just here to tell you how to win the game. At the end of 2021 alone, mobile devices generated 54.4% of global website traffic. If the thought of over half of the people in the world using their mobile devices to engage with brands online isn’t enough to convince your boss this should be a priority, here are some more statistics on mobile optimization rates. Note all of these numbers were researched ahead of time by our friends at Hubspot.
  • 9 out of 10 smartphone users are not certain what brand to buy from before looking online.
  • 58% of smartphone users prefer companies whose mobile sites or apps remember them and their past behavior.
  • Mobile website shopping increased by 48% during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 73.1% of web designers think that non-responsive design is a top reason why visitors leave a website.
Remember when I said numbers don’t lie? The proof is in the pudding. UX and web design are like inseparable partners: a sacred union of sorts. The goal is to fashion a website that becomes a familiar and frequented destination. And speaking of essentials, mobile responsiveness is an absolute necessity for any company taking a closer look at its existing site.


If there’s anything people want to avoid while browsing online, it’s talking to a real person. This opens the door for unique features such as chatbots and interactive forms. The more personable we can make a customer’s journey, the more likely they are to convert, be it scheduling a call, buying a product or booking an appointment.

Contributing to Business Growth and Success

Redesigning your website goes beyond cosmetic needs to an opportunity to impact your company’s growth and success. By lining up your pitch with business goals, you’ll advance your case for a website redesign. Goals we often hear from our clients include:
  • Lead generation: Discuss how optimized landing pages, strong CTAs and compelling content can attract and capture potential leads.
  • Sales and conversions: Your website plays a key role in your marketing ecosystem. It is the sun that energizes the flow of the rest of your strategy. Explain how the site can be used to guide visitors through the sales funnel from awareness to consideration and, in the end, conversion.
  • Brand awareness: An updated design and UX can help increase brand visibility and recognition.

Addressing Concerns and Questions

You’re pitching a big investment, so it’s only natural for your boss to have some follow-up questions. Don’t be afraid to go into the weeds with some of these details. By anticipating questions or concerns they may have ahead of time, you can showcase your preparedness and reinforce your case for a fresh website!


When discussing potential costs, it’s crucial to emphasize the long-term value a website redesign can bring:
  • Breakdown of Costs: Offer a detailed breakdown of the potential expenses involved in the redesign process, including design, development, content creation and testing.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Explain that while the initial investment may seem significant, the improved user experience, increased conversions and enhanced brand perception may result in substantial ROI over time.
  • Comparative Analysis: Provide examples of companies that have seen a positive impact on revenue after investing in a redesign.


Address concerns about the frequency of website redesigns and the evolving nature of design trends:
  • Industry Norms: Explain that, in the fast-paced digital landscape, websites need to be updated periodically to remain relevant and competitive.
  • Adaptation to Trends: Highlight how industries evolve and customer expectations change, necessitating design updates to align with current trends.
  • Flexibility for the Future: Assure your boss that a well-designed website can be more adaptable to changes in technology and customer preferences, reducing the need for more frequent overhauls.


To address concerns about measuring the impact of a new website, discuss effective methods for tracking success:
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Suggest relevant KPIs such as increased traffic, reduced bounce rates, longer time spent on site and improved conversion rates.
  • Analytics Tools: Mention tools, such as Google Analytics, that provide insights into user behavior, allowing you to measure improvements.
  • A/B Testing: Explain the benefits of A/B testing to compare the performance of different design elements and make data-driven decisions.


To bolster your points, consider sharing relevant case studies or success stories:
  • Industry Peers: Present examples of companies in your industry that experienced positive outcomes after a website redesign, such as increased engagement or sales.
  • Before-and-After Comparisons: Visual representations of how a redesign led to improvements can be highly persuasive.
  • Quantifiable Results: If available, share specific data that showcases the transformation in metrics before and after a redesign.
By addressing these common concerns and questions, you’ll demonstrate your thorough understanding of the potential challenges and benefits of a website redesign. This proactive approach will give your boss confidence and help facilitate an informed decision-making process.

Ready, Set, Pitch!

As you prepare to embark on the journey of convincing your boss about the necessity of a website redesign, we’re here to support you every step of the way. As I mentioned before, a zero-commitment website audit is a valuable part of the data-gathering process, helping you engineer the perfect website redesign pitch. ForeFront takes the guesswork out of whether or not your website needs a redesign. You barely have to lift a finger! Our team dives deep into your current website’s performance, user experience, design and functionality, providing you with personalized insights tailored to your company’s unique needs. Through thorough analysis and expert evaluation, we’ll identify areas that could benefit from improvement, offering a clear roadmap for enhancing your online presence. It’s as simple as that! GET YOUR FREE SEO AUDIT

Help Your Company Evolve Through Website Redesign

An object in motion stays in motion. If your website is standing still, you’re falling behind. It’s now or never – and the longer you wait to get started, the more opportunities you miss. Seizing the opportunity for a website redesign enables you to surge ahead, setting yourself apart from rivals. By focusing on enhancing user experiences and staying in sync with cutting-edge design trends, you’re not just keeping up – you’re showcasing your dedication to surpassing customer expectations.   About the author:

We’re a Digital Marketing Firm!

Sure, we could bore you with our technical expertise, individual backgrounds and a plethora of accolades, but the reality is that the most interesting thing about us is the work we do for our clients, which you can see in our portfolio.


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