Need more leads & sales?

We’ll help you find new ones…and convert them into paying customers

Help your small business thrive with targeted leads generated through search engines and social media

“Pro Digital consistently deliver us fresh leads from new customers on a daily basis. This has helped my business enjoy consistent growth and a regular income stream. Their service is first class and I wouldn’t hestiate to recommend them to any business that wants fresh leads”.

Greg Johnson

Director – ShedBox UK Ltd

Results Driven, Expertly Managed




Whatsapp & SMS Marketing

Grow your business and connect with new and existing customers by harenssing the power of text messaging and Whatsapp marketing. 


Unleash the power of email to reach new customers and re-engage existing ones for explosive lead generation

Paid Search Marketing

Turn Google searches into paying customers. Our strategies ensure your business, not your competition, thrives.


Explosive growth starts here. Unleash the hidden potential of your website and get a surge in leads and sales

Social Media Ads

Is your social media presence silent? Get heard by the right people with targeted ads that drive sales.

graphic design company


Make a lasting impression with logos, business cards, and flyers that attract & convert customers.

Why we are your ideal lead generation partner

We are experienced, qualified and highly skilled marketing professionals. We believe that we can help your business thrive through lead generation solutions built and personalized for your goals and objectives.

Proven Track Record

We have delivered millions of leads for our customers across a wide range of business sectors. We can do the same for you.


90% Customer retention

Customers stay with us becuase we deliver results, time and time again. We can do the same for your business too.


Established in 2012, we have a proven track record of success and offer genuine expertise to help your business get to the next level.


no contracts

You will never be asked to sign a contract. We believe in earning your loyalty by delivering results.

it’s all about results

We obsess over results, just like you. See how our lead generation services helped businesses like yours achieve explosive growth.

130 page 1 rankings on google & bing

Achieved by improving content and blogs and a sustained link building campaign

Over 400 leads a day generated

Achieved by optimising their website and their PPC campaigns 

250% Increase in conversions

Achieved by optimising ad spend based on historical conversions and testing a series of new landing pages.

333% decrease in cost per lead

Achieved by improving landing pages and adding a custom ad schedule so the ads would run at the most productive times of the day


Feedback from our customers is crucial to our and their success. Here some kind words from some our current customers.

  • Pro Digital Marketing were very helpful and professional in setting up my website, guiding me through the technical aspects of web addresses and getting me up and running. An online presence is so important in todays world. I would highly recommend.

  • Pro Digital Marketing is a reliable company that works hard to ensure a great level of service. They are brilliant to work with, really open and helpful. Thank you! I would recommend them to anyone looking for SEO expertise.

  • "We have worked with Pro Digital on our website since we started our business in 2012, they have contributed hugely to the growth of our business and we consider our online presence to exceptional thanks to the services they have provided. Their work is of an outstanding quality and their expertise of the digital marketing landscape is incredible. I would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending them"

  • "SEO is our most cost effective and profitable form of marketing thanks to their reasonable pricing and the results they deliver"

    Greg Johnson, Director, Shed Box Ltd

  • "Our new website was nowhere when they started, it literally got zero organic traffic, now we receive over 1000 visits a month from organic searches and that’s thanks to their outstanding work". 

    Garry Jones, CEO, Advanced Vehicle Servicing

  • "We have worked with Pro Digital on our website SEO since we launched our new website in 2014. When we started our website was nowhere on Google, we now have over 20 page 1 search terms which not only generates quality traffic but quality leads too"

    Andy Heyland, Director, Heyland Recruitment

  • “These folks are fabulous! Very personal touch and have really helped our independent business. Taking full ownership of managing our website for us, and we’re really pleased with how slick it is!

    Ellie Owen, Partner, Hummingbird Hearing Care

  • "Having previously run our PPC in house, we decided to outsource the management to Pro Digital. We now get better results and we save money on another salary. Their service is fantastic, they are always there to advise you, they visit me regularly and send me regular reports. PPC now generates over 50% of our inbound leads. 

    Greg Johnson, Director, Shed Box Ltd

  • “I am hugely impressed by the work Pro Digital do on our pay per click campaigns. They provide honest, transparent feedback and reports on a daily basis as well as consistently improving results. Since day one they have amazed with the results they can achieve with our limited budget. I cannot recommend them enough for PPC expertise”

    Simon Ratcliffe, Director Kelperland Vets Group

  • "We have used various PPC agencies over the years to try and generate more business through Google, all with limited or no success. Since working with Pro Digital they exceeded my expectations in terms of results and the proactive, polite and professional service they provide. They are the best PPC agency we have worked with and I am very grateful to them for helping my business prosper"

    Mark Clark, Director, LHD Cars Ltd

Lets talk…

request a free consultation and marketing audit


  • Get personalised recommedations on how to improve your marketing
  • Receive expert advice on how to increase your leads and sales
  • Get a free audit of your marketing accounts incding Google and Facebook

Fill out the request form and we’ll call you back

“Your marketing audit helped me increase my conversion rate from 3% to 8% which has helped my business immensely. Thank You!”

Garry Jones – Advanced Vehicle Solutions


1 + 6 =

If you have any questions or would like some advice on a project you have in  mind, call us today.

Call us now

01928 246555

Most purchasing decisions begin, and end with an internet search

More than 1 Billion searches are made every day on Google alone, and we can help your business get a share of this by providing you with a digital presence such as a website or social media channels, and using these to attract targeted customers to your business to drive more sales.

We provide a complete internet marketing service including SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), PPC Management and Social Media Marketing. We also offer stunning Website Design and Email Marketing. So whether you are trying online marketing for the first time, or you business relies on it, we can help you. We work with businesses of shapes and sizes, in a wide variety of sectors. We have clients in Chester, Wirral, Liverpool and Manchester, and even in Jersey.


Our team of highly skilled, experienced internet marketeers and digital marketing experts can make your business a booming one with quality, affordable and effective online marketing services.

A cost-effective and performance driven service.

The reason we exist is that we believe that there is a awful lot of mis-information given to businesses about internet marketing and the truth is hidden behind smoke and mirrors. We are different, we offer a transparent, cost-effective and performance driven service. 

Websites without online marketing are like strawberries without cream!

Websites and digital marketing should go together like rhubarb and custard or strawberries and cream! A website without SEO applied to it is just a waste of money and effort. Because of this we offer a professional, affordable website design and development service so you can not just get online, but you can also be top of the search engines.


If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with your online marketing why not give us a call and we can arrange for an expert to have a face to face to chat with you to discuss your project.
