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Lead clients to your business with proven Internet marketing strategies

Add Zigma’s Internet Marketing Expertise to Your Marketing Team

How Can Zigma Help Your Business?

Building your online presence helps attract more potential clients. Our integrated marketing team will work directly with you to understand what makes your business unique, and provide more qualified leads to achieve success in your industry.

We specialize in web design and development, search engine optimization, search engine marketing and social media marketing. Collaboratively, we create customized strategies and provide ongoing support for small, medium and large businesses as they grow in the Greater Toronto Area, across Canada and around the world.

Digital marketing Toronto
Web Design and Development

Web design & Development Optimization

We view web design, development and optimization as interconnected components of a successful website.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine

Working together, we will use our knowledge of SEO to bring more leads to your business through your website.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine

Let us put your website in front of consumers at the moment in time they are searching for your products & services.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media

With our Social Media Marketing strategies, generate interest to increase the awareness of a product, service, brand or event.


Web Design & Development

Your website is the heart of your internet marketing efforts. In many cases, it’s your first impression to prospective clients. Working with us to design and develop your website has many benefits including:

  • Customized, modern designs
  • User-friendly layouts
  • Engaging content appropriate for your industry that will attract your target audience

We will work with you through the process of developing and designing a website that is visually appealing and strategically structured to attract leads; we will also help you convert visitors into customers.

Search Engine Optimization

You know SEO is important, but may not be sure which approach or strategies are right for your business. It takes more than hiring an SEO agency to rank higher; you will need all of your marketing tactics working together to push you in front of clients’ eyes.

We have a wealth of SEO knowledge focused on creating strategies to optimize your online presence to elevate your search engine rankings and drive more qualified leads to your website and other digital assets.



Search Engine Marketing

Using a customized SEM strategy is an effective, inexpensive method to increase your sales because it gives you instant access to qualified customers ready to buy your service or product.

We will provide clear, customized reports based on easy-to-understand metrics that are focused on reducing how much it costs you to acquire a new customer.

Social Media Marketing

In this day and age, social media is like the online version of word of mouth marketing. By using effective social media tactics, we will help you leverage know, like, and trust relationships with potential and existing clients.

Learn more about how SMO fits into your overall internet marketing strategy to reach clients, build your brand, and elevate your business.


Why Zigma?

Zigma is a Google Partner certified in SEO and web design. We use industry best practices to create customized strategies targeted to our client’s industry to meet their unique needs. Through web design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and social media marketing, Zigma provides more qualified leads by optimizing content, engaging audiences and helping small, medium and large businesses grow and expand.

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions for Diverse Industries: Transforming Technology, Healthcare, Hospitality, Finance, and More

Lead clients to your business with proven Internet marketing strategies.

What Our Clients Think About Us

The team at Zigma Marketing have increased our businesses online dramatically. They are great for search engine optimization (SEO). They are knowledgeable and really care about the success of our business. Thanks for all your guidance and support. We’re happy to have you apart of our team!

The team at Zigma is extremely helpful and knowledgeable about website design, SEO and internet…

Thanks for the great internet marketing services, I feel I have a new active digital marketing team in-house, they work as it’s their our company! Great result, keep going!

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