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Send me tips to grow my business with content.


full service video production

Video Production

From corporate brand videos to commercials and promotional materials, our team ensures a seamless production process from concept to final cut. 

Content Strategy + Package

Our team works with you to develop compelling video content, optimize distribution channels, and ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time. From strategy, to concept, to final edit. 

Crew Rental

Need a professional film crew or videographer?

Whether it's a corporate event, interview, b-roll or any special project, we provide reliable and skilled crews ready to deliver high-quality footage.



Capture. Engage. Convert.

We specialize in creating captivating video content that drives engagement and conversions. With a passion for storytelling, our team transforms ideas into visually stunning productions, tailored to meet your brand's unique needs. From concept to final cut, we deliver exceptional quality and creativity in every project, ensuring your message resonates with your audience.

Capture. Engage.

We specialize in creating captivating video content that drives engagement and conversions. With a passion for storytelling, our team transforms ideas into visually stunning productions, tailored to meet your brand's unique needs. From concept to final cut, we deliver exceptional quality and creativity in every project, ensuring your message resonates with your audience.

a small shop that

Thinks Big.

This is the space to introduce the Services section. Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features. Encourage site visitors to learn more by exploring the full list of services offered.

a small shop that

Thinks Big.

We’re a small team that packs a creative punch. If we’re working together, you have our attention - and we need yours.

After all, creating great video content is a collaboration.

a small team that
Thinks Big.

Our mission goes beyond just creating great content. We're all about packing in heaps of value.

Tilt Media
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Social Media


How much does video production cost?

At this stage, we're used to this question! Unfortunately, there's no one-sized fits all answer. You could similarly ask, "how much does a house cost to build?".

The answer depends: Who's buying it? Where is it being built? How big is it? What supplies are we using? How many people will it take to build it? Is it traditional, or custom?

Like building a house, there are stages to video production as well.

Why is videography important for your business?

The importance of videography for businesses cannot be overstated. Not only does it provide a creative outlet for businesses to showcase their products and services, but it also has the potential to reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods. Videos can be shared on multiple platforms, including social media, websites, and email marketing campaigns.

Additionally, video content is known to increase engagement and retention rates among viewers, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to build brand awareness and customer loyalty. By investing in videography, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and establish themselves as industry leaders.

So if you're wondering why videography is important for your business, the answer is clear: it can help you achieve your marketing goals and take your brand to the next level.

What types of videos does Tilt create?

We offer a range of video production services that cater to your unique needs such as Corporate & Commercial videos, Social Media Content and eLearning videos.

We also provide the following services as well:

  • Drone/Aerial videography

  • Event/Recap videos

  • And much more..

Subscribe to our newsletter for simple tips to grow your business with content.

How much does video production cost?

At this stage, we're used to this question! Unfortunately, there's no one-sized fits all answer. You could similarly ask, "how much does a house cost to build?".

The answer depends: Who's buying it? Where is it being built? How big is it? What supplies are we using? How many people will it take to build it? Is it traditional, or custom?

Like building a house, there are stages to video production as well:

How much does video production cost?

At this stage, we're used to this question! Unfortunately, there's no one-sized fits all answer. You could similarly ask, "how much does a house cost to build?".

The answer depends: Who's buying it? Where is it being built? How big is it? What supplies are we using? How many people will it take to build it? Is it traditional, or custom?

Like building a house, there are stages to video production as well:

Why is videography important for your business?

The importance of videography for businesses cannot be overstated. Not only does it provide a creative outlet for businesses to showcase their products and services, but it also has the potential to reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods. Videos can be shared on multiple platforms, including social media, websites, and email marketing campaigns.

Additionally, video content is known to increase engagement and retention rates among viewers, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to build brand awareness and customer loyalty. By investing in videography, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and establish themselves as industry leaders.

So if you're wondering why videography is important for your business, the answer is clear: it can help you achieve your marketing goals and take your brand to the next level.

Subscribe to our newsletter for simple tips to grow your business with content.

Halifax, NS, Canada

(902) 448 2112 |

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Halifax, NS, Canada

(902) 448 2112 |

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  • Youtube


Brand Storytelling: We produced a series of compelling brand story videos, highlighting Eastport Financial's unique value proposition and client success stories. These videos were strategically placed on their website and social media channels to boost brand awareness.Educational Content: We created educational video content, including webinars and short explainer videos on complex financial topics. These videos positioned Eastport Financial as thought leaders in their industry, providing valuable information to their audience.Client Testimonials: By filming and sharing client testimonial videos, we helped build trust and credibility for Eastport Financial. These testimonials showcased real-life success stories, helping to attract and convert potential clients.

specializes in creating captivating video content that drives engagement and conversions. With a passion for storytelling, our team transforms ideas into visually stunning productions, tailored to meet your brand's unique needs. From concept to final cut, we deliver exceptional quality and creativity in every project, ensuring your message resonates with your audience.

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