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Oliver & Spence Digital Studio

Make Your Lasting Digital Impression!

Are you looking for the best custom website?  We don’t just create websites; we craft digital experiences that captivate, convert, and conquer. Let the experts at Oliver & Spence bring your brand to life.

Bespoke Websites

Custom website design experience.

Web Management

Professional server and website management.

Website Hosting

Speed, scalability, and security.

SEO Optimizer

Performance and search optimization.

Does your current website match your business goals?

Concerns? Don't Worry, We Have You Covered


Since 2004, we’ve crafted well over a hundred custom websites for clients spanning diverse industries. In addition to building, we also provide hosting and long-term maintenance services, ensuring our clients’ online presence remains robust and reliable for years to come.


We are a comprehensive website studio, guiding your website’s journey from inception to launch and beyond.  Think of us as your dedicated website team, committed to supporting your digital presence every step of the way.  We are here for you.


Being an exclusive studio, we intentionally limit the number of new clients we accept each year. However, once we embark on a project, we adhere to our timelines and remain fully dedicated to our client until the project is successfully completed.


Our commitment to offering remarkable value at competitive prices is unwavering. Once we establish a budget with our clients, we adhere to it diligently, ensuring transparency, reliability, and the best possible outcomes for all parties involved.


We’re dedicated to being there for you whenever you need us. Our team proactively maintains the server and all website software to ensure optimal performance, providing you with peace of mind and a seamless online experience.


With our hands-on approach, we prioritize frequent interaction with our clients, ensuring clear communication and collaboration every step of the way: from initial consultation to completion. We ensure your vision is understood.

Are you ready to make a lasting impression in the digital realm?

Custom Website Design & Development

Unleash the power of a custom website designed exclusively for your brand! At Oliver & Spence, we don’t just create websites; we craft digital experiences that captivate, convert, and conquer.

Embark on a hosting experience like never before with Oliver & Spence.

Powerful & Secure Webhosting

We don’t just offer hosting; we provide a digital sanctuary for your website, where speed, security, and reliability converge to redefine online excellence.  All sites include free SSL and email.

Are you ready to revolutionize your online presence without the hassle?

Professional Website Management

At Oliver & Spence, we don’t just manage websites; we orchestrate digital excellence. Elevate your brand with our comprehensive Webmaster Services, where your success is our priority.

Is your business ready to dominate the digital landscape?

Expert Website SEO Optimization

Elevate your online presence and crush the competition with our cutting-edge website optimization and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services at Oliver & Spence. Brace yourself for a transformation that goes beyond rankings – it’s about owning your industry.

Make the move today and let's start crafting your new website!

Let’s Get Started …

Let’s Get Started …

Let’s Get Started …

Let’s Get Started …

Let’s Get Started …

Let’s Get Started …

⚬ Professional ⚬ Bespoke ⚬ Stylized ⚬ Expertise ⚬

Frequently Asked Questions About Custom Websites

Is there a set package?

No there is not a set package because everyone’s needs are unique.  We work with the client to ensure they are getting what they need and not fix them to a specific set of parameters.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! We work the client to come up with a plan that be suits there needs.  We offer 2, 3 and 6 month payment plans.

What software do you use?

We exclusively use WordPress.  WordPress’s combination of usability, flexibility, community support, SEO-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and security has contributed to its popularity as the CMS of choice for millions of websites worldwide

What happens after my site is built?

We offer a variety of management and support plans.  Whether you want to do most of the work yourself, or if you want us to essentially look after your website.

What makes your process different?

We approach the whole process in separate phases: Discovery – Design – Development – Delivery – Declare.

How long does it take?

Like all things in technology, it depends.  Generally, a small Brochure site may take 3-4 weeks, where as a large Corporate site may take 10-12 weeks.  It really all comes down to the amount of features, webpages, and options required.

What industries do you specialize in?

We have worked in almost every industry from health care to sports, energy to garden centre, and so many more.  Check out just a few of our amazing clients.

Do you make ecommerce websites?

Absolutely.  A number of our clients run online stores.

Custom Websites Calgary - Question Experts

Enough Talk, Let's Build Something Together

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Oliver & Spence