Who We Are

Advance Ohio is a dynamic media company that operates cleveland.com, the #1 source of news and information in the state, and Sun News, one of the largest AAM-audited paid weekly chains in the USA. We are responsible for all multimedia ad sales for The Plain Dealer, Sun News, and cleveland.com and are the leading consumer engagement experts in Ohio. Our digital and data capabilities are second to none. Let us show you how we can build your business, improve your market share and deliver lasting results.



Digital Marketing Expertise

World class marketing solutions for your unique needs, from a team of digital professionals with a deep understanding of your industry. Let's get started!


Campaign Development

Exceptional content and creative deserves attention, and our strategies deliver that attention and activity.


Marketing Platforms

Using real time data, Advance Ohio provides a multi-channel approach to advertising and media. 


Data & Insights

Advance Ohio is a digital agency that reaches a larger audience than any other media outlet in Ohio. We use data to develop industry-proven strategies that provide…



Brands & Affiliates

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Our Expertise

Experts In Marketing For The Cannabis Industry

Experts In Marketing For The Cannabis Industry

With a focus on patient acquisition, our digital strategists are experts in the healthcare space, positioned as the link between your business goals and the marketing strategy that achieves them.

Digital Marketers that Know Healthcare

With a focus on patient acquisition, our digital strategists are experts in the healthcare space, positioned as the link between your business goals and the…

Your destination or attraction should be in front of travelers while they are choosing a vacation spot, not after they book.

Travel Industry: Marketing Destinations and Attractions

Your destination or attraction should be in front of travelers while they are choosing a vacation spot, not after they book.

Growing Deposits and Members in Uncertain Times

Growing Deposits and Members in Uncertain Times

Search is a critical component of any business.  You know where your customers are coming from and what you want them to do.


Search is a critical component of any business.  You know where your customers are coming from and what you want them to do.

Video Recruitment

Better Candidates, Better Results with Video

Acquiring new talent is hard, especially when 36% of HR professionals indicate they don’t have the resources necessary to recruit at the scale dictated by…


What People
Are Saying

  • The library launched a Search Engine Marketing campaign about three years ago to drive more traffic to their website and create more awareness of the availability of free media downloads.

    Cathy Polipre Cleveland Public Library
  • Dr. DeVor used our staff of experts to help him select which of our more than 100 digital services would work best for his business. In less than a year, DeVor’s new patient flow more than doubled.

    Dr. DeVor Dr. DeVor, DDS
  • With the ever-changing digital marketing landscape, The Music Settlement knew they needed an experienced and knowledgeable partner to help them navigate their new digital marketing campaigns. That’s why they partnered with Advance Ohio to lead their search engine marketing efforts.

    Lynn Johnson The Music Settlement
  • Advance Ohio has helped us navigate through the ever-changing digital landscape.  Our focus was to increase qualified visits to our site, increase page views and time spent on the site and with Advance Ohio, we have been able to do this.  One goal was to be the destination to buy an Engagement Ring in the Cleveland area and Advance Ohio has helped us to be found.

    Theresia Oreskovic Peter & Co. Jewelers

The Hidden Value in a True Vendor/Client Relationship

While the U.S. Travel Association's forecast brings hope for a return to pre-pandemic travel trends in 2024, it's important to acknowledge that the travel landscape…

How Frequently Do You Publish Content?

While 39% of B2B businesses produce content daily or multiple times per week, about 30% report far less frequency. On the B2C side, the percentage…

Competition, Seasonality, and Price Sensitivity in Travel

Regular trend analysis is important in any business, but especially when building a marketing strategy.


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