Beyond The Print Digital Group’s primary focus is to provide small to mid-sized businesses and auto dealerships with cost effective solutions for digital advertising to brand and market their companies online, providing a return on investment that is transparent and measurable.

BTP Digital Is All About

Time Management

With an ad agency, you get an entire team of experts for the price of one.


Businesses will often partner with an ad agency in order to scale their operation appropriately.

Tailor Made

Stay true to your branding efforts and avoid templated paid search campaigns.

Real-Time Analysis

Constant monitoring and adjusting to near real-time data increases campaign success.

Trust & Transparency

Your accounts, your data. Take the guesswork out of your paid search campaigns.

Increased ROI

Increase your digital marketing efforts by reaching target customers online.

Featured Work

SEM for the Del Grande Dealer Group

BTP Digital Group dramatically improved conversion rates,
while decreasing overall spend.

Find out how >

A Lifestyle Blog/Website Redesign

Completely reworked for mobile compatibility and SEO compliance, for a prolific Silicon Valley blogger’s chronicle of her life, home, travels, cooking tips and experiences.

Visit the Site >

A Little More About Us

Automotive Solutions
Dynamic Search Engine Marketing for the next generation dealership.
Corporate Solutions
Cost effective Pay Per Click campaigns optimized for strong ROI.
Case Studies
Learn how more and more businesses are opting to utilize BTP Digital's SEM strategy.
Google Premier Partner
BTP Digital Group is proud to be a Premiere Google Partner!
Web Design & Development
SEO optimized, mobile responsive website design by in-house graphic design team.
Video Pre-roll
Exclusive online video content targeting the 0:15 to 0:30 user attention span.

How to Choose
A Digital Ad Agency

This eBook was written as a ‘How-To-Guide’ for businesses who are about to begin their journey to find a digital marketing agency soul mate.

GET OUR FREE 16 PAGE eBOOK! – How to Choose a Digital Ad Agency –

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We’re here to help you succeed! Give us a call and we’ll get started!
