Your On-Demand
Marketing Department

Custom execution and management of your marketing program by a coordinated team of elite marketing specialists.

Accelerating ROI For Businesses Of All Sizes

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS

Fractional Access To
A Shared Marketing Department

Delivering premium full-scope marketing production in an on-demand monthly membership structure since 2010.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
Create & Reinforce

Differentiate your brand, convey your level of quality, and establish a memorable presence with sophisticated visuals.

Influence & Inspire

Use strategic content and clever copy to convert your target audience into customers and customers into loyal advocates.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
Engage & Optimize 

Establish a powerful online foundation for your marketing program through conversion-focused UX/UI design.

Participate & Boost

Stay relevant on social media by delegating your post designing, content crafting, scheduling, and engagement efforts.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
Target & Convert

Hyper-target your audience and use modern advertising strategies to guide them through every phase of your marketing funnel.

Our History By the Numbers

We’re focused on building sustainable relationships that provide measurable impactful for our members.

Successful Projects
Avg. Relationship (Years)
Project Hours Completed

The Perfect Marriage of
Modern Marketing Solutions

We’ve combined on-demand flexibility with the coordination, consistency, and quality of a top-tier agency.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS


Specialized marketing teams overseen by your dedicated marketing manager.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS


Fluidly scale your project volume up or down without penalty.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS


You own all of the accounts, source files, and other assets used on your projects.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS


Our terms are month-to-month with no minimums and no penalties.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS


Calculate the level of effort associated with our most commonly assigned projects.

  • Your contact information is safe with us. View our privacy policy.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Working as a Fluid Extension
Of Your In-House Team

Receive Real-Time Progress Updates

Stay in the loop with project progress 24/7 by reviewing real-time project statuses and collaborating with our team through our custom platform.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS

Easily Delegate Marketing Activities

Our custom project assignment and estimate request system gives you direct access to outsource projects when you need the support.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS

Using Modern Feedback Tools

Collaborate with our team using your preferred combination of video calls, in-platform chat, or recorded video feedback.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS

Control your Brand Guidelines

Our team is relentlessly brand-focused and fanatical about quality, with multiple layers of QA behind the scenes on every project.

On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS
Laura Stephens

Laura Stephens


It is life-saving to know, that when you need extra help with a project or if you want SharedTEAMS to manage a project, there is a team of reliable experts on stand by waiting to help you.
Elsa MacDonald

Elsa MacDonald


This is a tremendous value! We now have a complete marketing team for far less than what we would've paid for one employee.
G. Keith Alexander

G. Keith Alexander


I'm often amazed by the depth of research, creativity, writing skills, and social media strategies applied to achieving our goal of driving traffic to our site and establishing our brand
Jay Van Dussen

Jay Van Dussen


An excellent value for any marketing department that requires specialized support for strategy and execution.
On-Demand Marketing Department | SharedTEAMS

Member Success Stories

Learn how our team has helped hundreds of businesses across multiple industries solve complex marketing challenges since 2010.


A Shared Marketing Department

East Coast
777 Brickell Ave
Suite 500-9662
Miami, FL 33131
West Coast
2443 Fillmore St
Suite 380-5552
San Francisco, CA 94115