Strategy, Branding, Design
Luxury Success
The Ozen Collection, an odyssey of a lifetime woven by threads of benevolence, passionate service, progressive hospitality, and transformative experiences.
Strategy, Branding, Design, and 3 more
A Saudi Fine
Dining Triumph
Shang Palace stands as a resplendent jewel in the crown of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, a distinguished F&B marvel that has flourished across 30 global establishments.
Branding, Design, Packaging, and 2 more
Luxury Gifting
Maknoon stands as a luxury homegrown brand that reverently embraces the rich tapestry of Levantine culture, paying homage to its heritage through the use of olive oil as a conduit of culinary delight and cherished nostalgia
Strategy, Branding, Digital, and 3 more
A Culinary
Welcome aboard The Waterfront Kitchen, where opulent yachting life merges with an eclectic tapestry of global cuisines, charting a course for an extraordinary culinary odyssey.