“Art of Automatisation” is IT company, providing wide spectre of services: from chat bots development and mobile applications to IT consulting and maintenance of your IT infrastructure


Custom development

Our services

You have idea for enterprise/online service, but you don’t have a team of developers? Don’t let it stop you! You can delegate development to professionals, while you will concentrate on marketing and project’s development.


In our days your own developers team can be very expensive. Hiring best employees is the elephant in the room. Increasing number of companies concentrate their efforts on specific area and outsource development.



Integration of CRM/ERP system will take your business on new level and let you see all business processes of company in plain sight. You will not miss or forget any client anymore. Also you won’t need to spend a few days to compose sales report.


Wide range of software is not visible to the end user: integration buses, billing systems, API integration services, monitoring systems. Outsourcing server applications development will let you to separate yourself from integration details and get final product for integration.


Development of web sites and online services is a complex problem. If you entrust our team to develop client-server application, you will never be misunderstood. Complex approach guarantees creating harmonic product with no duct tapes.


Proper architecture of IT system is a recipe for its scalability and supportability. You can see it in constructing terms: no one can build great house with poor foundation


We use Xamarin, Electron, QT and cutting edge standards of web developments to provide cross-platform UX. Your system will be equally conveniently usable on every platform: Web/Mobile/Desktop.


“Testing system on production environment” is a great joke, but only until you have serious problems. Thoroughly tested software is a foundation for reliable work of service. System must carry out its tasks with no unexpected bugs.

During increasing system load you may experience unpleasant situations, so clients do not get due service. Servers can’t process all necessary data. Audit of IT system’s architecture can reveal weak links, so you can get recommendations on their elimination.


You have working system, but no one develops it? It doesn’t matter how old is your system or which technology stack was used in it – we will understand its operation principles and continue developing it on the highest possible level.


We support systems, developed by us.

We are sure of our works. We can work in the way you want. We do not write helter-skelter code.

But, more than that, our code is understandable not only to our developers. We work by the best modern standards. Our products will work as YOU want.

Strengthen your team by
including extra-class developers, so you can focus on business tasks. Code is our responsibility.

In the fine-tuned business machine everyone has its role. Our role is to develop great-quality software solutions.
Scalable, flexible and surely supportable. Separate yourself from development problems:

Hiring developers

Motivating staff

Advanced training of staff

Controlling performed tasks and delivery dates

Development stages

Specifications approval

Insight, discussion and approval of requirements. Communicating with system's future customers, breakdown of business processes, conclusion of a contract.

Logic design

Listing all matching technologies, choosing the best development approach. Architector comes in on this stage.

Interface Development

Markup, composing and approval of interface logic. Proposals on design, discussion on every window and field (if there are any).

Writing system code

Writing software code, choosing templates and libraries to solve problem, planning development.


System integration. If it is necessary, we keep testing environment to test updates. If there are no updates, we will make sure that system work perfectly in productive environment.


Every system needs maintenance, sometimes updates. We can take charge of this aspect or deliver system to customer's specialists.

Why should you choose us?

Safety of developed solutions

Nobody wants to be hacked. Code, written by us, can pass a control of any IT security specialists

In the swirl of modern technologies and trends you need reliable conductors

Our expertise does not end on one programming language or framework. We keep track of modern IT trends and constantly upgrade our skills, as in our age you need to rush just to stay put.

We can work without ready specifications.

We can create specifications for you or with you. We understand that it is one of the hardest part of development process, and we are ready to give you hints and help you in every way.

You are in good company

Technology in use

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