Living Room

Threads that ties your living space together, in the form of stunning rugs.

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Turn your bedrooms into living artwork with our handcrafted stunners

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Kids Room

Bring home a pop of colour that suits your child’s exuberance!

Kids Room

In rural India, humanity exudes simplicity, ideas are innocent, and imagination is boundless. This is how art is born and transformed into original rugs designed by rural artisans.

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Wool and Bamboo Silk


Wool And Bamboo Silk

Mere Parivar Ki Kalpana

Wool And Bamboo Silk

Beina Ka Khel

Wool And Bamboo Silk

Who We Are

Without love, connecting rural India to the world would just be a dream. Read what Jaipur Rugs really is, and what we stand for.

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Woven Stories

From styling tips & tricks to our top designer picks, the A B C of rugs, and everything else in between–read all there is to know about Jaipur Rugs

Terra Rugs: An Ode to Earthy Elegance in Biophilic Design

Terra Rugs: An Ode to Earthy Elegance in Biophilic Design


Jaipur Rugs: The Legacy of a Visionary Leader

Jaipur Rugs: The Legacy of a Visionary Leader


Refresh Your Home with Vibrant Summer Rugs

Refresh Your Home with Vibrant Summer Rugs


How Jute Rugs Are The Best Option For Your Home This Summer?

How Jute Rugs Are The Best Option For Your Home This Summer?


Jaipur rugs

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