
Our Services

Calgary Personal Injury Lawyers

Have you or a loved one been injured due to someone else’s negligence? BILAB Law, a proud member of BARAPP Law Alliance, stands above as the premier personal injury law firm in Calgary, dedicated to delivering justice and superior legal representation for injury victims. With an unwavering commitment to our clients, BILAB Law ensures your rights are fully protected – and you receive the maximum possible compensation for your injuries.

Choosing the Right Personal Injury Law Firm Matters

Calgary’s bustling streets and dynamic lifestyle bring forth several types of personal injury cases. From car, pedestrian and motorcycle accidents to slip and falls, dog bites, orthopaedic injuries, traumatic brain (TBI) and spinal cord injuries, and even public transit accidents, BILAB Law is your first choice for justice and legal success. Hiring the most successful personal injury lawyers in Calgary is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your injury case. The vast expertise of our skilled attorneys and dedicated case managers at BILAB Law guides you throughout all the complexities of the legal system with ease and confidence.

The BILAB Advantage: Providing Victim Benefits That Other Law Firms Neglect

At BILAB Law, we offer a free initial consultation (available anytime 24/7), work on a contingency fee basis (to ensure legal support is accessible to all injury victims), and provide a dedicated case manager to provide constant communication and updates on your case’s progress. If you’ve been hurt in an accident, be sure to call our Calgary law office or complete our online form right now.

Injury Victims Choose BILAB To Win Negotiations Over Insurance Companies

Insurance companies prioritize their profits over fair settlements for injured parties. They employ tactics such as delaying claims processes or offering quick (but low) settlement amounts, hoping claimants will accept them without realizing their full entitlement. BILAB Law in Calgary is a standout firm when it comes to representing clients in various types of personal injury cases. Our proactive approach is crucial when going up against insurance companies who frequently undercut injury victims by:

Delaying Claims Processing
Insurance companies may intentionally take a long time to respond to and investigate claims, hoping that claimants will give in and accept less compensation.

Denying Legitimate Claims
Some insurers reject valid claims without proper reasons, counting on the fact that claimants won’t have the means to fight back.

Underestimating Injuries
Insurers often downplay the seriousness of injuries, in order to pay out less in compensation.

Pressuring Claimants
Insurance adjusters might try to force injured individuals into settling quickly for an amount that won’t cover all their long-term needs.

With our extensive knowledge of the law and unwavering dedication to justice, BILAB Law effectively counters these insurance company strategies. Our firm works hard to make sure people get the compensation they deserve, allowing them to focus on healing and recovery without worrying about finances.

Why Is It Important To Seek Compensation for Personal Injuries?

Navigating the aftermath of a personal injury can be stressful. It often involves balancing physical recovery with the pressure of dealing with both insurance companies and legal proceedings. This is where BILAB Law, your #1 personal injury law firm in Calgary, steps in to sort everything out for you successfully. Personal injuries have a profound impact on an individual’s life and their family. These injuries often result in substantial medical expenses, loss of income due to inability to work, and emotional distress. As such, it’s crucial to understand that compensation isn’t merely about monetary gain; it’s truly about justice.

Financial Impacts

Medical bills pile up quickly after an accident. This can include hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy sessions, and other necessary treatments to facilitate recovery. Loss of income during this period can add to the financial burden, making compensation a necessity to offset these costs.

Emotional Impacts

Physical injuries are just one aspect of personal injury cases. Emotional trauma following an accident can be equally damaging. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues often arise from coping with injuries and their effects on daily life.

Calgary’s Most Successful Personal Injury Lawyers

BILAB Personal Injury Law Firm is a bright beacon of legal excellence and successful advocacy in Calgary. Our formidable team of personal injury lawyers is steadfastly dedicated to serving our community successfully, providing unparalleled legal guidance with a distinctly sympathetic approach. Our law firm excels in representing individuals who’ve become unfortunately entangled in painful accidents and personal injuries.

In the heart of bustling, cosmopolitan Calgary, our lawyers and dedicated case managers cultivate a robust law office which offers reliability, expertise and a relentless pursuit of justice. We specialize in transforming legal complexities into clear, actionable pathways which resonate successfully with our clients’ needs and aspirations. At BILAB Law, our commitment is unwavering in empowering our clients, fostering a sense of reassurance and steadfast support throughout their journey toward full justice and recovery. We offer a free initial consultation and work on a contingency fee basis, ensuring legal support is accessible to all accident victims in Calgary.

What Rights Do You Have as a Pedestrian Injured in an Accident?

Pedestrians walk the busy streets of Calgary, often unaware of all the potential dangers imposed by cars and trucks. Unfortunately, accidents happen, so when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, the injuries can be devastating. If you or someone you know has been involved in a pedestrian accident, it’s important to understand your legal rights. Here are a few of the most important keys to justice:

Right to Compensation

As a pedestrian who has been hit by a vehicle, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Claim Filing Deadlines

In Alberta, there are specific deadlines for filing a claim after an accident. It’s important to be aware of these deadlines and take action within the appropriate time frame.

Navigating Legal Complexities

Dealing with insurance companies and understanding the legal process can be overwhelming – especially when you’re already dealing with injuries. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side.

At BILAB Law, we are dedicated to helping pedestrian accident victims get the full compensation they deserve. With our knowledge and experience in personal injury cases, we can guide you throughout the legal process and fight for all your rights. Whether you’re in Calgary (or anywhere else in Alberta), we’re here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation by calling our Calgary law office or completing our online form.

How Does BILAB Prove Liability in Slip and Fall Accidents?

In urban areas like Calgary, property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe for visitors. This includes preventing slip and fall accidents caused by their own negligence. If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, you have the right to seek compensation for your damages.

Proving who is at fault in slip and fall cases can be difficult without expert legal help. To win your case, you need to show that the property owner knew about the dangerous condition that caused your accident; or the property owner should have known about the dangerous condition, because a reasonable person would have discovered it and taken steps to fix it. It’s not enough to simply show that you slipped and fell; you must also demonstrate that the owner’s negligence directly led to your injuries.

At BILAB Law, we understand all the complexities of slip and fall cases. Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers is dedicated to helping victims like you get the compensation they deserve. We offer comprehensive services, including investigating the accident scene; gathering evidence; interviewing witnesses; consulting with experts; negotiating with insurance companies; and finally, representing you in court if necessary. If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, don’t hesitate to contact us now for a free consultation. We’ll review your case, explain your rights, and help you understand all your legal options.

How Can We Help You?

Personal Injury Cases We Handle in Calgary

From vehicular accidents on crowded highways to unexpected mishaps at work or another’s property, it's crucial to recognize all the common types of accidents which cause personal injuries within Calgary. At BILAB Law, we fight harder than any other personal injury law firm in Calgary to obtain justice for victims of:
Car Accidents: A leading cause of personal injuries, demanding swift legal action.

Pedestrian Accidents: Urban areas pose higher risks for pedestrians, necessitating knowledgeable legal counsel.
Motorcycle Accidents: Riders face unique dangers on the road, requiring specialized advocacy.
Slip and Fall Accidents: Unexpected injuries which happen suddenly and with no warning.
Dog Bite Incidents: A cause of great pain and heavy psychological trauma.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe outcomes that call for expert legal assistance to secure fair compensation.
Orthopaedic Injuries: Causing fractures, dislocations and strains, these are often life-altering injuries.
Public Transit Accidents: Negligence can be found even involving public transit vehicles.

Embark on your journey toward justice and peace of mind with BILAB Law, where your case is handled with the excellence and diligence it deserves.

Calgary sees many car accidents due to high traffic density and varied weather conditions; car accident injuries are a common cause of personal injury claims. Whenever you're in a car accident, it's important to take these steps to protect your rights and potential compensation:

Ensure Safety: Check if everyone is okay and move to a safe place if possible.
Contact Authorities: Call 911 right away to report the accident.
Document the Scene: Use your phone to take pictures or videos of the scene (including how the vehicles are positioned), damages, and any visible injuries.
Seek Medical Attention: Even if your injuries seem minor, visit a doctor as soon as possible for an examination.
Report the Accident: Inform your insurance company about what happened as soon as you can.
Contact BILAB Law: Reach out to us immediately to discuss all the details of your car accident with our attentive, compassionate legal team.

Navigating what comes after an accident can be overwhelming, especially when you're dealing with physical pain and emotional distress from the incident. This is where BILAB Law can help. We understand how challenging it can be for car accident victims to handle everything on their own while trying to recover. Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Call us now or fill out our online form as soon as possible.

Motorcycle riders in Calgary face unique hazards on the road. Factors such as high speeds, reduced visibility, and limited protection expose them to a heightened risk of severe injuries during accidents. When involved in a motorcycle collision, it is essential to prioritize your health and seek immediate medical attention. Next, be sure to document the accident: gather evidence, including taking photographs and collecting witness statements. Very importantly, resist insurance company pressure and avoid accepting early settlement offers.

BILAB Law has formidable experience advocating for riders injured due to others' negligence in Calgary. Our team ensures that every client's rights are protected throughout the claim process, striving to secure maximum compensation for their injuries and related damages. We understand all the complexities of motorcycle accident cases and deploy strategies tailored to each individual scenario, making us the best choice for personal injury representation in Calgary.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and spinal cord injuries are severe outcomes of accidents in urban areas like Calgary, with car accidents often being a leading cause. TBIs can have a lasting impact on victims and their families, causing physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. Here's how BILAB Law can help with TBI and spinal cord injury cases:

We know that TBIs can completely change a person's life for the worse, affecting everything from their job to their relationships. That's why we provide comprehensive legal support to help navigate all the challenges. Furthermore, our team has expertise in handling TBI cases. We understand the complexities of these injuries and are dedicated to fighting for the full compensation our clients deserve.

Every TBI and spinal cord injury case is unique, so we believe in taking a personalized approach. We work closely with all our clients to develop a strategic plan for securing damages, including medical expenses, lost income and ongoing care. When it comes to traumatic brain (TBI) and spinal cord injuries, having both medical and legal expertise is crucial. That's where BILAB Law comes in as your preferred advocate in Calgary.

Dog bites are a common cause of personal injury cases in urban areas like Calgary. When a dog bites someone, the owner is legally responsible for any injuries that occur. It's their job to make sure their dog behaves properly and doesn't harm anyone. At BILAB Law, we understand how dog bite cases work and we fight hard to get compensation for people who have been injured. If you've been bitten by a dog, you may have both physical and emotional injuries that need to be taken care of.

Physical injuries from dog bites vary widely. You might have a small puncture wound that just needs a bandage, or you could have a serious injury that requires surgery. Some common physical injuries from dog bites include cuts and bruises, deep wounds and broken bones. In addition to physical injuries, dog bites also cause emotional trauma. This might show up as anxiety or a fear of dogs. It's thus important to get help for both your physical and emotional injuries after a dog bite.

When you hire us for your dog bite injury case, we'll take care of all the details so you can focus on healing. At BILAB Law, we make sure to establish proper liability in order to initiate the journey toward justice. We have a lot of experience with dog bite cases in Calgary, so we know what it takes to win. Our goal is to make sure you get the full amount of compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Unexpected impactful accidents often lead to long-term orthopaedic issues. Fractures and dislocations resulting from an impactful accident often lead to chronic pain, limited mobility and arthritis. Additionally, injuries to specific ligaments and tendons can result in extended healing times, often requiring prolonged physical therapy (and even surgery). Repetitive strain injuries, if not addressed promptly, evolve into chronic conditions, significantly impacting one’s quality of life negatively.

At BILAB Law in Calgary, we offer the most powerful legal help, guiding victims throughout this complex legal landscape. Our elite lawyers, skilled in personal injury law, work tirelessly to ensure all clients receive the full compensation they deserve. We negotiate with insurance companies, gather essential evidence, and advocate fiercely on behalf of our clients. With our influential expertise, we adeptly handle all the legal intricacies of orthopaedic injuries, allowing clients to focus on recovery. We offer a free initial consultation and work on a contingency fee basis, ensuring legal support is accessible to everyone. Call us in Calgary or complete our online form for your free initial consultation right away.

Can BILAB Law Get Justice For Me As a Public Transit Accident Victim?

In the bustling urban center of Calgary, public transit is a vital part of everyday life. With the reliance on buses, trains, and other forms of municipal transportation, comes the potential for public transit accidents. While public transit systems are generally safe, accidents occur due to operator error, mechanical failures and many other factors. If you’re injured in a public transit accident, you should gather as much information as possible from the incident scene. Next, report the accident to the authorities immediately. Finally, reach out to BILAB Law as soon as possible to protect your rights throughout the legal process.

Victims of public transit accidents have the right to seek compensation for their injuries, which include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The extent of damages in a public transit accident can be significant, especially if the incident resulted in serious injury or disability.

When faced with a public transit accident injury, prompt action is crucial. BILAB Law specializes in representing individuals involved in these complex cases. With a deep understanding of the laws governing public transportation in Calgary and an assertive approach to advocacy, clients can trust that their case is in capable hands.

Contact us right now for your free, no-obligation case consultation by phoning our Calgary office or completing our online form.

Hop U. ★★★★★ I am very pleased with my decision to hire BPCAB Personal Injury Law Firm. Throughout the process, they kept me well-informed and worked diligently to ensure I received the medical attention necessary for my rehabilitation. This allowed me to focus fully on recovering while they handled everything else. My lawyer was upfront, honest, and genuinely committed to securing the compensation I deserved. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone at BPCAB who assisted with my claim over the years. Your dedication and effort are deeply appreciated. I am truly grateful for the support and professionalism shown by the entire team.Noah Z. ★★★★★ Customer service was exceptional. They handled my case so well. Would recommend 10/10Misha K. ★★★★★ If you’re looking for a reliable personal injury law firm, go with this one. They made sure I was compensated fairly for my injury. Their dedication was impressive and appreciated.Dana R. ★★★★★ I cannot praise this personal injury law firm enough! From the moment I reached out to them, they demonstrated unparalleled professionalism, compassion, and expertise. They handled my case with meticulous attention to detail and kept me informed every step of the way. The entire legal team was incredibly supportive, answering all my questions and addressing any concerns promptly. Thanks to their dedication and hard work, I received a favorable settlement that exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend this law firm to anyone seeking top-notch legal representation for personal injury cases. They truly go above and beyond for their clients.Lance L. ★★★★★ BPCAB Case Consultarion Dollar Store Injury Fall Trip Trauma. BPCAB Personall Inhury Legal Lawsuit review…Hope take my Injury Lawsuit. .George M. ★★★★★ I am very grateful with the outcomeJennifer M. ★★★★★ I had a pedestrian accident and I contacted this law firm. Alex was my lawyer and he did an excellent job handling my case.Lisa Hernández G. ★★★★★ I am very grateful with BPCAB lawyers because they represented me on my accident car case. The outcome was excellent. ThanksElisa N ★★★★★ When I was Injured in a crash car, I contacted BPCAB Law Firm. They took the time to understand my case and they worked hard until I got the compensation I deserved.Ernesto I. ★★★★★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘺𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘤 𝘛𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘪𝘢 𝘜𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘬𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘢 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 , 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴Oriol B ★★★★★ I was involved in a hit and run accident and BPCAB Law Firm made the whole process so much easier. Highly recommend!Jast W. ★★★★★ BPCAB Personal Injury Lawyer is an excellent personal injury law firm. They are a small but professional office with the utmost competence and integrity. I would highly recommend them for anyone who is looking for a personal injury lawyer in Edmonton.Uzma I. ★★★★★ I am absolutely happy and satisfied with the services provided by Nabeel Sera and Barapp Law Firm. I appreciate Nabeel’s hard work, best advices, proactive service and great professionalism throughout the case that lead to the phenomenal settlement. I am really pleased with my selection of the law firm and the lawyer who has greatly helped me in getting the best treatments and the compensation that I deserve. I would highly recommend Nabeel Sera for personal injury client services.Sheryl R. ★★★★★ I would recommend this firm highly to any one needing a personal injury lawyer. The team was fantastic in keeping me informed the entire time through the process. Thank you.Shane Q. ★★★★★ They’re great, nice & very welcoming. The best lawyers in Edmonton. Very attentive and caring. If you’ve been in an accident of any kind, they should be your first call.Lydia K. ★★★★★ I would definitely recommend Alex to anyone needing a lawyer. I had a question and found Alex to be veryknowledgeable, helpful and kind. He took care of my issue right away, when I left I felt so much better.Because Why N. ★★★★★ The lawyers at the BPCAB have the competitive edge when it comes to personal injury legal representation. They bring a a fully rounded perspective to each case which serves to benefit each of their clients. They are also compassionate, caring, and easy to talk to which makes them stand out among their peers.Joe A. ★★★★★ The entire experience of working with the law firm was fantastic. Not only were we very happy with the settlement, we also felt completely taken care of throughout the process. The situation that led to our case was traumatic, and it’s difficult to even express how much it helped to have someone working on the case that we trusted completely. From our first conversation, it was clear that they were complete pros.tom N. ★★★★★ I was referred to BPCAB Personal Injury Lawyer by my friend. My case was potentially complicated and I wasn’t sure what to expect at first but I am SO glad I went to them. They were very professional and so prompt every time I had a question – and mind you, I had a lot of questions. They were trustworthy, reliable, nice, and most importantly, very good at what they do. The result of my case was far beyond my expectation and I cannot thank them enough.Titus H. ★★★★★ BPCAB Personal Injury Lawyers entire team who assisted me on my case were AWESOME! Communication was great and their customer service was even better. They walked me through every step of the process and made sure I knew what to expect at every stage. They even put up with the crazy amount of emails I sent them and was very kind and helpful throughout everything, so thank you so much to the whole team!js_loader
Free Consultation
Law is a complicated matter. Going at it alone causes hardships. Let us help you!
BILAB Personal Injury Lawyer
3916 64 Ave SE #213, Calgary
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