How to Use Videos on Your Website

How to Use Videos on Your Website

Posted on: October 28, 2022 | Written by: SLS Consulting

Videos are everywhere you look these days – on your computer, at the doctor’s office, on your cell phone. There are even videos to watch while you’re pumping gas. With the explosion of video content on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok, people are becoming more accustomed to consuming this type of information. The future of marketing will include an enormous expansion of video content across every channel where it’s available. Gen X, Y, and Z consumers spend a considerable amount of time absorbing video content, but videos appeal to older clients as well. Business websites that incorporate videos into their format have a distinct advantage over the competition. In fact, 85% of customers say they are more likely to make a purchase from web pages that include videos.

More Interest, More Conversions

When you feature videos on your website, it’s very inviting. Whether someone is viewing your site on a computer, tablet, or cell phone, videos entice them to click play. And once a person starts watching a good video, it’s hard to stop. Potential clients who watch your videos are effortlessly learning about your firm, your values, and how you can solve their problem. As viewers become comfortable with you and learn more about your firm, it reduces their resistance. Strong customer engagement leads to conversions. And nothing captures a person’s attention like a compelling video. When you offer appealing video content to website visitors, it provides the following advantages:
  • Promotes lead generation
  • Creates an appealing tone
  • Increases organic traffic
  • Highlights your services
  • Attracts younger and older clients
  • Helps explain complex subjects
  • Appeals to visual and auditory learners

A Chance to Tell Your Story

Someone who’s seeking legal services is likely to be going through a difficult period in their life. They may be facing criminal charges. Or maybe someone they love has been seriously harmed or killed in a catastrophic accident. It’s important to put potential clients at ease. And videos are a great way to convey a sense of empathy. In their time of need, clients are looking for a trustworthy person to guide them to a better tomorrow. A brief introductory message that resonates with people goes a long way towards alleviating any doubt or reservations the client may have. This is your opportunity to share your values and tell your story.

So Many Ways to Use Videos on Your Website

Video content can be successfully implemented throughout your website. It’s particularly effective on your Homepage, meet our team pages, practice area pages, and for testimonials. Customer reviews and testimonials provide invaluable social proof that demonstrates how others have benefitted from your services. And testimonials are a lot more effective when they feature an actual client who’s willing to go on camera and talk about how you changed their life. You can use videos to create the following types of valuable and engaging content:
  • Interviews
  • Case studies
  • Local news stories
  • Biographical sketches
  • Community events
  • Charitable activities
  • Customer success stories
The video content you create for your website can be repurposed and used across several marketing channels, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, landing pages, email campaigns, and PPC ads.   About the author: Today, SLS Consulting, Inc.’s portfolio includes law firm clients nationwide. Known for our white-hat SEO strategies and complete transparency with clients, SLS has grown from a small, family-run business to what it is today. In Susan’s own words – “I am proud of the work we do and the relationships we have built over the years with our clients. Our clients are family.”  

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