
We specialize in software development services, custom web application development and design, website design, mobile app development, integration, search engine optimization and staff augmentation.

Our clients over the years have taken advantage of Plego’s model of delivery to scale and have expedited their key initiatives.
Blank Gallery

1000+ web/mobile apps and counting

With over 20 years of expertise in web and mobile app development, we have collaborated with companies in your industry to deliver exceptional solutions.

  • Design and Visual storytelling
  • UI/UX Strategy
  • Custom Development
  • Full Stack Development
  • Cross-Platform Development and Integration
  • Native and Hybrid Mobile Apps
  • API Development & Integration
  • Security & Compliance
  • DevOps and Continuous Integration

Our experience and focus give us a perspective that agencies with a broad range of expertise cannot provide.

Our portfolio

We Work With World Renowned Brands

What our amazing clients say about us

Awards & Recognitions

We’re proud to accept industry accolades for our commitment to unparalleled results, client service and continuous growth.