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We Transform Ideas into Impactful Visuals

Attention-grabbing videos customized to your brand and designed to see you succeed.

Creatives Who Speak Business

As a leading video production company in Minneapolis, we align with your measures of success and produce videos that address what you prioritize, whether that’s increasing client retention, growing revenue, or helping you attract job applicants.

What Type of Videos Do We Produce?

  • Social Media Videos

  • Website Videos

  • Commercials

  • Testimonials

  • Documentaries

  • Ad Videos

  • Training Videos

  • And More!

Dedicated Video Production Studio

Our in-house video and photo studio stands ready as a versatile and creative space for any client project. Ideal for those seeking a distinctive look or an alternative to the usual office backdrop, our studio offers controlled lighting and a variety of backdrops to perfectly meet your project's specific needs

Advanced On-Location Capabilities

Equipped with the latest in camera technology and lighting, we own all our equipment, ensuring we're ready for any project, anywhere. This not only guarantees access to cutting-edge tools but also assures you of the highest quality in every production. Our commitment to using the best equipment means we can effortlessly bring top-tier production values directly to your location.

Our Secret To Success is Simple

Why are we successful? Because we take pre-production (the planning phase of every video) seriously. By placing a strong emphasis on this planning phase, we ensure every video not only aligns perfectly with your goals but also minimizes stress throughout the production journey. Growing your business with video requires more than just a beautiful video; it requires videos that are filmed with a strategy in mind. Our method, rooted in a problem-solving mindset, is tailored to create impactful videos that don't just look great but deliver tangible results.

We Learn About Who You Are

We Align With Your Measures Of Success

We Deliver Results

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A Company You Can Trust.

We’ve been recognized as a top B2B and Video Production company in Minnesota. Our commitment to quality and client satisfaction sets us apart as a premier production company in Minneapolis.

What Do Our Clients Think?

Visual Captive Logo

One Creative Family

At Visual Captive, we're more than just a single brand; we're a creative family with two additional ventures: Studio North and Testimonial Lab. Nestled in the heart of Minneapolis, Studio North is our dedicated photo and video studio, boasting state-of-the-art facilities for capturing stunning visual content. Testimonial Lab specializes in crafting impactful testimonial videos, offering a range of flat-rate packages. Leveraging the unique strengths and expertise of each brand, we deliver a comprehensive and dynamic suite of services to our clients, ensuring exceptional quality and creativity across all our endeavors.