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Calgary Social Media Marketing

Call: 403-991-8863 Email: david@CalgarySocialMarketing.com


Many Calgary business owners are still not sure about the role of social media marketing in their business. Some owners are investing heavily in social media but are struggling to see the direct benefit of their efforts.

Calgary Social Media Marketing Services: We are a Calgary Social Media Marketing company specializing in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, social community building, social media advertising campaigns, and social media training for Calgary businesses.

We provide:

  • Regular Reporting of what social media is doing for their business
  • Daily content on multiple social channels
  • A strong connection between your social media and your current marketing
  • A fair price

David Howse of CalgarySocialMarketing.com is one of Calgary's most respected marketers and also teaches Social Media Marketing at Mount Royal University. Call David at 403-991-8863 or email: david@calgarysocialmedia.com

We manage:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google Maps/Google Business Profile
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Youtube
  • and industry specific sites
We also manage Google Analytics for you, website design, SEO, and Google Ads.

Calgary instagram marketing agency

Some of our Social Media Marketing clients include:

Social Media for Construction and Industrial

If you are an owner or manager of a Calgary construction or industrial company, you may think social media marketing will not fit your marketing. The truth is social media sites are a critical element of your business. Consider these scenarios:

  • HR Recruiting: Many companies spend thousands of dollars with newspaper ads or by paying for listings on websites such as Workopolis. Almost no one is setting up a company account on a social media site, managing the growing community, and targeting ads at the workers they need. We're doing this for a Calgary company and have saved them over $50,000 in recruiting costs in the past 18 months. What's great about this is that your online community will continue to grow making it a more and more valuable asset to your company.
  • Public Relations: A news-worthy story happens in your business but the media doesn't think it's important, or it happens on a busy news day. Social media enables you to be a news maker. With some good stakeholder engagement strategies, you have the potential of doing a better job than the media could. Journalists follow social media channels and many times what was first posted on Twitter or Facebook became mainstream news.
  • Relationship Building: You have clients; are those clients using social media? Using social media as a relationship builder or B2B promotion tool can be very effective.
  • Marketing: Social media sites have a very strong marketing aspect. From increasing website traffic, SEO, and research opportunities, there are many reasons an industrial business should be on social media
Contact us to help you develop and manage the right social media strategies for your business.

For more on social media marketing in Calgary visit: Calgary Social Media Marketing.

Having good website content helps in your marketing, having good things to say about your Calgary business gives you the content for social media marketing. Not everything in your social media marketing need be a sales message. It's okay to talk about your clients, educate, or entertain visitors.

How to choose a marketing agency

When choosing a marketing agency for your business, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure you find the right fit for your needs. Here are 12 steps to help you choose a marketing agency:

1. Define Your Goals and Budget

Clearly outline your marketing goals and the budget you have allocated for this purpose.

2. Research Potential Agencies

Look for agencies that have experience in your industry and have a proven track record of success.

Consider their online presence, client testimonials, and case studies to gauge their expertise.

3. Assess Core Competencies

Evaluate the agency's core competencies and services offered, such as digital marketing, content creation, social media management, etc., and determine if they align with your needs.

4. Consider Industry Experience

Check if the agency has experience working with businesses similar to yours or within your industry. This can provide valuable insights and understanding of your target audience.

5. Schedule Consultations

Arrange meetings or consultations with the shortlisted agencies to discuss your goals, expectations, and to gauge their understanding of your business.

6. Evaluate Communication and Reporting

Assess the agency's communication style and reporting processes. Clear and transparent communication is crucial for a successful partnership.

7. Review Proposed Strategies

Request the agencies to present their proposed strategies and campaigns. Evaluate the creativity, relevance, and feasibility of their ideas.

8. Discuss Measurement and Analytics

Inquire about their approach to measuring the success of campaigns and how they use data and analytics to optimize marketing efforts.

9. Consider Company Culture

Assess if the agency's values and culture align with your own, as this can impact the working relationship and overall success of the partnership.

10. Ask for References

Request references from past or current clients to gain insights into the agency's performance, reliability, and client satisfaction.

11. Evaluate Contract and Terms

Review the agency's contract, terms, and pricing structure carefully to ensure they align with your expectations and budget.

12. Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose an agency that you feel confident and comfortable working with.

Call Us Today

(403) 991-8863

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