Private Investigators in Birmingham for UK Wide Surveillance And Investigations

"We are a leading, established and award winning UK Private Investigations company, based in Birmingham, strategically placed in the UK and able to deploy at short notice"

People Tracing | Background Check |  Surveillance Specialists.

Birmingham | London | Manchester

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Founded in 2019 by Dan after many years spent working as a sub-contractor working in Close Protection and Surveillance in the UK and abroad, the vision was to set up independently as a local private investigations company in Birmingham. 

We have since expanded and are now recognised and established as a leading UK private investigator company in Birmingham and throughout the UK.


All operators working under the Anderson & Co name are highly trained and experienced in gaining covert footage and audio surveillance.

We come from a variety of specialist backgrounds, with some having been in the Private Investigations and surveillance industry for the best part of thirty years.

Local | National | International


Anderson & Co's investigators will always behave in a professional and discreet manner when handling your case. 


One thing we all share in common is an absolute passion, desire and drive to get the client the evidence, clarification and answers they so very need.

Dedicated | Diligent | Discreet

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Surveillance Birmingham

 Private Investigation & Surveillance Services In the UK

Corporate Surveillance

  • Employee Fake Sickness Or Personal Injury

  • Employee Moonlighting

  • Employee Theft Or Fraud


Insurance Fraud

  • Hire an experienced covert surveillance investigator

  • We can prove or disprove someone's actions and mobility.


People Tracing

  • Rogue Tradesmen, Former Business Partners, Debtors

  • Missing Person, Spouse and Children

  • Beneficiaries of an Estate

  • Locate a Witness

  • Find your Biological Parents

  • Lost Touch with a Relative, Friend or Old Love Interest

Matrimonial Surveillance

  • Cheating Partner: What are the signs?

  • What will happen during Matrimonial Investigation?

  • We want to put your mind at ease.

Technical Surveillance

  • GPS Tracking

  • Listening Devices

  • Covert Cameras


Background Checks

  • Checking New Employees History

  • Checking A Company's History

  • Checking A Romantic Partner's History (Catfishing or Predators)

  • Checking Children's Nanny History

Protective Surveillance

  • Non-invasive protection

  • A trained team will watch over you

  • Your life will change as little as possible

  • Don't live with fear. We can keep you safe

Counter Surveillance

  • Are you being watched?

  • We can keep you safe from hostile surveillance whether your are static or on the move

  • Don't be a victim. You can have protection


Anti Surveillance

  • How do you know you are under surveillance?

  • Get training and protection from experienced surveillance officers

  • Catch the people following you


Bug Sweeping

  • TSCM – Technical Security Counter measures.

  • Professional Bug Sweep Services – Nationwide. 24/7. 365.

Private Detective Birmingham

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Private Investigators  Birmingham

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By Daniel Anderson 18 Aug, 2023
The Use Of Drones in Modern Day Surveillance And Investigations. We were out before the crack of dawn this morning carrying out a recce of a rural location in the Birmingham area, so as that we can conduct surveillance in the area, and safely over the coming weeks (yes Birmingham also has rural parts believe it or not). As I was driving back to the office, and stuck in that early morning, Birmingham city centre traffic, I thought, I know, I will write today's blog on the use of drones within the Private Investigations sector. So, here we go..... Technology has always played a pivotal role in unravelling mysteries and gathering crucial evidence for Private Investigators. The latest addition to a private investigator's toolkit is the drone—a sophisticated airborne tool that has revolutionized the field of surveillance and security over recent times. With their ability to provide a bird's-eye view, drones have quickly become an invaluable asset for private investigators, enhancing our capabilities and redefining the way investigations are conducted. The Rise of Drones in Private Investigation: Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have rapidly gained prominence in various industries, from filmmaking to agriculture. The private investigation sector has also embraced this technology due to its ability to access hard-to-reach areas and capture footage from unconventional angles. Equipped with high-resolution cameras, GPS tracking, and advanced manoeuvring capabilities, drones have changed the landscape of surveillance. Benefits of Drone-Assisted Surveillance: Enhanced Visuals: Drones provide a unique vantage point that is otherwise impossible to achieve. Investigators can capture high-definition imagery and video footage from above, helping to monitor subjects, locations, or events more effectively. Flexibility and Versatility: Drones can navigate through tight spaces, follow subjects discreetly, and switch between different locations rapidly, making them ideal for tracking movements or surveilling areas that are challenging to access on foot. Reduced Risk: In situations where physical surveillance may put investigators in harm's way, drones offer a safer alternative. They can monitor hazardous environments, dangerous individuals, or remote locations without exposing investigators to unnecessary risks. Cost-Effectiveness: Traditional surveillance methods often involve a team of investigators and extensive resources. Drones, on the other hand, require fewer personnel and can cover larger areas in less time, reducing operational costs. Real-Time Monitoring: Some drones allow for live streaming of footage, enabling investigators to monitor events as they unfold. This real-time access can be crucial for making quick decisions or adjusting the course of an investigation. Leading | Established | Award Winning Applications of Drone-Assisted Investigations: Cheating Spouse Investigations: Private investigators can use drones to monitor a subject's movements discreetly, capturing evidence of infidelity or suspicious behaviour in areas where we may not be able to access via vehicle or foot. Insurance Fraud Detection: Drones can provide visual evidence of property damage, accident scenes, or injury claims, helping insurance companies combat fraudulent claims. Corporate Espionage Prevention: Businesses can utilize drones to secure their premises, monitor unauthorized activities, and protect sensitive information. Legal Case Support: Drones can capture critical evidence, such as accident reconstruction, crime scenes, or environmental violations, that can strengthen legal cases. Missing Persons Search: Drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras can aid in locating missing individuals, especially in rugged and rural terrains or areas with poor visibility. Birmingham | London | Manchester Ethical and Legal Considerations: While drones offer remarkable advantages, their use in private investigations raises ethical and legal concerns. Invasion of privacy, trespassing, and surveillance without consent are issues that need careful consideration. Private investigators must adhere to local UK laws, regulations and licensing, governing drone use, obtain necessary permissions, and respect individuals' rights. As is always the case we must ensure that any evidence gathered is admissible in a UK court of law, and therefore it is especially important we adhere to all of the above and not break any laws! Conclusion: As technology continues to evolve, the world of private investigation evolves with it. Drones have opened new possibilities for private investigators, enabling them to gather crucial evidence, enhance surveillance, and overcome challenges that were once insurmountable. However, the responsible and ethical use of this technology remains paramount, ensuring that the benefits of drone-assisted investigations are harnessed while respecting individual rights and legal boundaries. The sky has truly become the limit for private investigators who seek to unravel the truth from above. If you want to know how may be able to assist you, do not hesitate to get in touch. We are always on the end of the phone and happy to advise. Dedicated | Diligent | Discreet
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