Design Lab LLC



Design Lab is a NJ Web Design agency that helps companies grow and thrive online. We know exactly what’s needed to succeed in todays digital world, and offer a full range of Website Design & Digital Marketing services to make sure your business is always two steps ahead of the competition. At the center of every successful digital strategy is an extremely effective website.


Contact Name:

Phone Number: +1.908.913.0041

Primary Address

208 Lenox Ave #119 , Westfield, NJ, United States 07090

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: SEO, Web Design, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, SEM, Ecommerce SEO, Enterprise SEO, Content Marketing, Digital Strategy, Google Ads Management
Revenue: $100,000 - $200,000
Firm Size:
No of Clients:50+
Client Name:
Key People: