EPAM Anywhere



EPAM Anywhere is a platform that allows freelance IT specialists and software developers to find jobs, working in EPAM\'s projects remotely. EPAM clients are global enterprise companies from the Fortune Global 2000 list that operate in the FinTech, Ecommerce, Healthcare, and other industries. The platform offers vacancies for software engineers, quality assurance engineers, project managers, business analysts, and other IT specialists.


All vacancies on EPAM Anywhere offer long-term remote jobs. If there are any changes in the project, EPAM Anywhere guarantees minimal downtime between projects, finding another project in advance.


Contact Name:

Phone Number: +380443905457

Primary Address

28 Fizkultury St, Kyiv, , Ukraine 03150

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: SEO, Web Design, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, SEM, Ecommerce SEO, Enterprise SEO, Content Marketing
Founded: 0
Revenue: Under $250,000
Firm Size: 1,000 - 9,999
No of Clients:50+
Client Name:
Key People:

EPAM Anywhere - Listing in April 2024



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