John K. Drisdale DMD


John K. Drisdale DMD


Looking for a dentist in Midland who helps you experience the best dental care during every visit? Meet Dr. John K. Drisdale! He is a highly trained dentist who offers a wide range of amazing services for patients of all ages. From children’s dentistry to dental implants and extensive cosmetic care, he is ready to help! Dr. Drisdale’s office is updated with the latest technology, and he makes it a point to get to know each of his patients for personalized, comfortable dentistry. To see the difference he can make, don’t hesitate to contact John K. Drisdale, DMD today!


Contact Name: Dr. John K. Drisdale

Phone Number: (432) 684-7424

Primary Address

2303 W Louisiana Ave, , TX, United States 79701

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: Dental Clinics & Supplies
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