Persian Rug Clean inc


Persian Rug Clean inc


Persian Rug Clean Inc is a top-rated carpet cleaning service provider specializing in Oriental rug cleaning and repair services in New York, NY. With years of experience, our skilled team of professionals offers an array of cleaning services that cater to the needs of our clients. Our services include carpet cleaning, stain removal, and rug repair, amongst others. We take pride in using eco-friendly and safe cleaning solutions that do not harm your carpets or the environment. Our goal is to provide our clients with the highest quality services at an affordable price while exceeding their expectations. Trust us to bring back the vibrant colors and freshness of your carpets, leaving your home looking and smelling brand new.


Contact Name: Persian Rug Clean inc

Phone Number: 2125376874

Primary Address

11 Park Pl 18th Floor,, New York, NY, United States 10007

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