Rug Cleaning In Perth


Rug Cleaning In Perth


Perth Rug Cleaning is an Australian rug cleaning company that provides commercial and residential rug cleaning services. Our highly trained and skilled technicians have years of rug cleaning experience and can clean your rugs using the most effective cleaning techniques and methods. Our rug cleaning services are also tailored to each client\'s specific requirements. We guarantee all of our services, so if you are dissatisfied with the results of our rug cleaning, we will re-clean the rug at no additional charge. Our Service List Includes:- Rug Cleaning Perth, Rug Sanitization, Same Day Rug Cleaning Services, Professional rug cleaning, Rug Shampooing, Affordable rug cleaning, Rug Cleaning Service, etc. If you require a free quote, please contact us. Make an appointment with us for an in-house survey.


Contact Name: Perth Rug Cleaning

Phone Number: 08 7665 8905

Primary Address

246 Pier St, Perth, WA, Australia 6000

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: Cleaning and Sanitizing
Firm Size:
No of Clients:
Client Name:
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