5 Ways to Supercharge Your Social Media with SEO

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Social Media with SEO

Posted on: April 2, 2021 | Written by: Dallas SEO Dogs

Social media marketing is an amazing way to reach out to a target audience and get them interested in what’s new with your brand. In the past, Google admitted that social media was difficult to index and crawl because social media created an “Imperfect internet.” It viewed success from social media platforms as a correlation, not causation. Fortunately, over the last seven years, social and search engine optimization (SEO) have begun to truly intermingle and create success for brands in search results. Although not everything you post will get indexed by Google, relevant content can get your brand ranking! Here are five ways that you can use SEO tactics to boost your traffic and potentially get important content indexed!

1. Optimize Your Social Media Pages\"Dallas

Social media is an excellent way to funnel traffic to your website from third-party social networks. Even though social media platforms are separate from actual search engines, you should consider them as search engines in their own right. Audiences constantly search social media for products, brands, and services. So, it’s important to approach your social media as an actual tool for your brand and not just a place to share industry memes (as fun as they may be).

Some ways to use SEO in social media optimization include the following tips:

  • Create clear goals and objectives for every aspect of social media. This includes both pages and posts.
  • Add a photo with your company logo so that you can start building up your brand’s recognition.
  • Ensure that your username is consistent across all social media platforms.
  • Complete bio information about what your company does and why an audience would need you in their lives. Make sure to use relevant keywords in your bio, but we’ll touch on that more later.

Spotlight Your Best Content for More Engagement

Quality content counts towards your SEO success. So, why wouldn’t it help make your social media posts more engaging?! Writing high-quality content that is in-depth, well researched, and relevant to your audience’s needs is content that attracts readers. High-quality content provides value to your readers and helps reel in clicks and encourages social sharing that leads to even more site traffic and engagement.

Use Keywords with Search Engine Urgency

Social media has built-in search engines that help different platforms promote popular content and ideas. Much like Google and other search engines, your brand gains relevance through keyword usage. Taking the time to research trending keywords and inserting them into your hashtags and daily posts can help get your brand’s social media pages in front of the right audience. Remember, though, to avoid keyword stuffing and to keep your long-tail phrases conversational and natural. Pro-tip: try to think like a potential customer and use phrases they would most likely search for when a need arises.  For example, someone with a plumbing problem isn’t going to look for “top 5 plumbing issues homeowners face.” They would most likely search for “Dallas plumbers,” or a phrase that references their problem. Although the article you promote may revolve around top plumbing issues homeowners face, the keywords you use to attract audience attention across the social search engine should reflect your audience’s thought process.

Optimize Images Based on Your Social Media Pages

Images are crucial to enticing readers to click on your content within a social media post. However, different social media platforms often come with different image dimension requirements. For example, using the same, unaltered image on Facebook and Twitter could result in a cut-off image and misconstrued message. A poorly cropped image can ruin the entire message of a social media post. Therefore, turning audiences away from essential information. In order to avoid any snafus or misleading images, make sure to consult with your digital marketing team for help with the different dimensions your image will need based on the social media platform you target.

Always Push Your Brand Principles

No matter your post topic on social media, you always want to make sure your brand principles are front and center. If your content on social media emphasizes your brand’s principles and mirrors what your website says about your values, Google crawlers will recognize this related information. When this happens, your site has the potential to climb up in rankings and have your social media pages show up in the SERPs next to your standard website. This further proves your brand’s authenticity and authority to searchers and can lead to increased site traffic, more engagement, and even higher rankings!

Increase Your Site Traffic on All Fronts with Dallas SEO Dogs

Whether your focus is on a traditional approach to SEO or a combination of on-site optimization and excellent social media, the digital marketing experts at Dallas SEO Dogs can help! Our team has extensive experience with helping businesses from every industry rank well on search engines. We want to meet you and discuss how our approach, combined with your expertise in your industry, can help make your SEO efforts a successful venture. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule your free consultation with a member of our team.   About the author: Dallas SEO Dogs is one of the leading digital marketing agencies in the United States. We are a close group diverse in ethnicity, gender, age, personality, interest, and religious background. Team members have different experiences, perspectives, and insights into a wide array of business types and audience demographics.  

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