How to Find a Profitable Blog Niche

How to Find a Profitable Blog Niche

Posted on: August 3, 2021 | Written by: Nicole Garcia, Ignite Visibility

These days, blogs are a dime a dozen. So, how do you differentiate yourself in such a saturated market? Choosing the right blog niche is a key way to ensure you’re off to a strong start.

What We’ll Cover:                           

What is a Blog Niche?

Before we get into how to choose a blog niche, let’s demystify what this phrase actually means. A blog niche is a carefully selected topic your blog focuses on.  Instead of catering to a larger market and writing about anything and everything, you zero in on a particular theme and create high-quality and authoritative posts around one subject. Your goal is to be the expert in this niche rather than an amateur in a broader category.

Choosing Your Perfect Blog Niche

Choosing a blog niche is one of the hardest aspects of starting a blog. Before you jump in and start writing, you need to do some research and planning. Here are a few factors to consider during this stage:
  • Do you know enough about your blog niche to be able to write with confidence? You don’t necessarily have to be a subject matter expert right out of the gate, but it’s best to start a blog on a topic that you are truly interested in. If there’s no passion behind your words, your readers will definitely notice.
  • Will your blog be a short-term or a long-term endeavor? Trend niche blogs don’t last very long. For example, if your blog focuses on a television series, you can build traffic quickly until the show is off the air. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it—it just means you need to be ready to capitalize on every last drop before the buzz fades.
  • Is your niche appropriately sized? Ideally, you don’t want to go too broad. If you aim to have an audience that encompasses everyone, you’re likely to end up with no one. So you’ll want a niche that’s searched frequently, but isn’t overly competitive.
  • Can you earn money from your niche? Niche blogs are uniquely equipped to handle advertising and affiliate marketing well. But you’ll need to be able to attract a large enough audience that advertisers will see as a worthwhile investment.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing A Blog Niche

Brainstorming Tactics to Help You Find a Blog Niche

If you’re still struggling to come up with a specific blog niche, don’t worry! The most successful bloggers have all been where you are right now. Luckily, there are a few different ways you can approach picking the perfect blog topic:
  • Make a list of things you excel in. These can range from learned skills, natural talents, or new hobbies you’ve become really good at. Are you a talented painter? Can you bake well? Do friends and family seek you out for advice on anything? You can leverage that knowledge and use your blog as a forum to teach people what you know.
  • Consider your accomplishments. Maybe you ran a few marathons this year, had a major fitness transformation, or got a promotion at work. Did any obstacles stand in your way? How did you overcome them? There are people out there who want to have that same kind of success in their life and your blog can be a resource to motivate them.
  • Search for inspiration everywhere. From your living room to a shopping mall, anything can spark an idea. Think about what you observe on a daily basis and see if anything stands out. You could also browse product categories on Amazon, eBay, or Etsy to find blog niche.

How to Make a Blog Profitable

An easy way to determine if your niche is worth pursuing is by seeing if any other brands are advertising for your keywords. If people are spending money on Google Ads to advertise products targeting certain keywords related to your niche, then you’ll know you’ve picked the right topic. But keep in mind—the more volume a keyword receives, the more competitive it tends to be. You’ll want to shoot for keywords with medium search volume, low competition, and high cost-per-click. We should point out that you shouldn’t just choose a niche out of earning potential without having a genuine interest in that niche. In the long run, if you can’t continuously produce content around that topic, you’ll soon leave because of a lack of interest. Ask yourself—“Can I write 50-100 articles on my blog subject without any expectations?” If yes, your blog is more likely to succeed. If you’re ready to start growing your blogging income to a sizable figure, be sure to follow this general framework: Sell Products It’s never been easier to sell your own products online. Even digital products like ebooks, training courses, templates, printables, video tutorials, and audio recordings can yield extremely high returns for your blog. Sell Services As a blogger, you likely have a particular skill set that you can pass on to others. Whether it’s freelancing, consulting, or training, you will need a dedicated page to list your offerings. For higher conversion rates, opt to have a dedicated landing page for each service. Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is one of the most common methods bloggers make money. If you’d like to create some passive income streams from your blog, affiliate marketing allows you to promote other companies’ products in exchange for a commission. Fortunately, there’s pretty much an affiliate program for every niche or industry—fashion, food, health, education, etc. Create a Membership Site By converting your blog into a membership site, many of your loyal readers will be more willing to pay to access your content since it’s just that valuable to them. Users can either pay a one-time fee or you can charge them a monthly subscription to get some recurring revenue from your blog.

Top Blog Niche Ideas and Examples

There’s an array of blogging niches available for both hobbyists and professionals alike. However, the niches we’ve listed below tend to have a higher likelihood of long-term success, in part, because they’re not based on “fads” that will eventually go out of style. These evergreen themes and niche topics are sure to get your creative juices flowing:


One of the most popular blogging topics on the market, you can gain a fair amount of organic traffic by sharing mouth-watering recipes, photos, and videos. It helps here to have a specific angle that your blog focuses on within the broader niche like vegan baking, meal prepping, or wine pairings. Damn Delicious knocks it out of the park with its hyper-focus on minimal-ingredient dinners.
  • Food Niche Topics: Cooking, healthy meals, coffee, craft beers, wine, gourmet cooking, international cuisine, budget meals, home-cooking, kitchen equipment, baking, meal prepping, seasonal cooking, and vegan recipes.

Health and Wellness

This is a particularly lucrative niche as it covers a wide range of areas, including weight loss, mental health, and alternative therapies. Nerd Fitness is unique in its approach, offering health and fitness advice to self-proclaimed nerds. To keep things light-hearted, the blog blends Star Wars, Marvel, and other pop culture references into each fitness article.
  • Health and Wellness Niche Topics: Running, biking, archery, rock climbing, healthy meals, holistic living, meditation, dance, mental health, skincare, CBD oil, self-care, and life coaching.


While it may seem like this niche is at capacity, the audience for parenting blogs is so big that it’s definitely worth considering. Again, you want to have a clear angle to make your blog stand out. This could include parenting at different stages—babies, toddlers, teens, young adults, etc. Not Just Cute, as the name implies, explores all the “not so cute” aspects of parenting and offers up advice and resources that provide value to readers.
  • Parenting Niche Topics: Home, crafting, childcare, family holidays, homeschooling, pregnancy, interior design, renovations, parenting, bullying, working parents, stay-at-home parents, board games, reality shows, and video games.


Blogs on personal finance never fail to amass huge audiences. Since everyone is always looking for new ways to earn more and spend less, there are plenty of different angles you could take spanning debt, investing, budgeting, and more. Founded in 2007, Money-Saving Mom is a blog that has skyrocketed in popularity. Originally focusing on minimizing family living expenses using coupons, today, the site still provides tips and resources on family budgeting and frugal living.
  • Wealth Niche Topics:  Money, credit cards, budgeting, debt payoff, student loans, personal finance, investing, cryptocurrency, insurance, family budgeting, freelancing, preparing for retirement, and frugal living.
  • Business: Entrepreneurship, career coaching, negotiating, freelancing, digital marketing, social media, public relations, SEO, business technology, time management, work-life balance, and self-publishing.


Fashion is a successful niche because it often taps into the basic human desire of wanting to feel confident. Since fashion is how people present themselves to the world, people are always seeking new ways to look and feel better. Take Pink Peonies, for example. Run by founder Rachel Parcell, this fashion blog is rumored to generate over $30,000 per month.
  • Fashion Niche Topics:  Makeup, weddings, fashion weeks, latest trends,  handbags, shoes, women’s clothes, men’s clothes, hats, eyewear, athleisure, sustainable style, ethical style, thrifting, DIY, denim, celebrity fashion, and the history of fashion trends.


Relationships are both a timeless and lucrative niche in blogging. There will always be an audience for this type of blog, whether readers are getting married, getting divorced, or are looking for a partner. The Elephant Journal is one such popular relationship site that covers several sub-topics including love, loneliness, spirituality, and mindfulness.
  • Relationship Niche Topics: Relationship advice, dating, divorce, date night, engagements, weddings, LGBTQ+, me too movement, friendship, family relationships, and dating apps.


This blog niche is all about providing your audience with daily tips and information that may improve their lifestyle. This is a great blog niche if you have an interesting day-to-day life that you think people would love to read about. Just a Girl and Her Blog brings in $40,000 per month and is run by Abby Lawson is an example of a popular lifestyle blog that covers everything from back-to-school to road trips to DIY projects.
  • Lifestyle Niche Topics: Travel, pets, outdoor living, photography, gardening, environmentalism, movies, music, musicals, cultural criticism, classical music, virtual reality, faith spirituality, morals, mindfulness, and motivation.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of niches, but it should help get your gears turning.

Wrapping Up

If you’re looking to turn your blog into a successful online business, selecting the right blog niche is not something you shouldn’t take lightly. Before getting started, invest the time in researching your niche, your target audience, and ways you can monetize your blog. And remember—the most profitable blogging niches are the ones that provide the most value to readers. So, choose wisely!   About the author: Nicole Garcia is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Ignite Visibility. She graduated from the University of San Diego in May of 2020 with her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies and minor in Business Studies. Nicole is dedicated to exploring new areas of digital marketing and loves writing and all things social media. Born and raised in San Diego, she loves spending time outdoors, practicing yoga, exploring restaurants, and spending time with loved ones.  

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